HiCOMB 2020
19th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology
In conjunction with the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
New Orleans, LA, USA, VIRTUAL PROGRAM, May 18, 2020

Please see www.hicomb.org for most recent version of the program and the abstracts of keynote and invited speakers.

Advance Program:

Brandon Glidemaster, Prerna Ghalsasi, Sanjay Rajopadhye.
A tropical semiring multiple matrix-product library on GPUs: A step towards RNA-RNA interaction computations.

Morgan Lee, George M. Slota.
Fast and high quality graph alignment via treelets.
Talk Video

Francesco Peverelli, Lorenzo Di Tucci, Marco Domenico Santambrogio, Nan Ding, Steven Hofmeyr, Aydin Buluc, Leonid Oliker, Katherine Yelick.
GPU accelerated partial order multiple sequence alignment for long reads self-correction.

Patricia Kovatch, Lili Gai, Hyung Min Cho, Eugene Fluder, Dansha Jiang.
Optimizing high-performance computing systems for biomedical workloads.

M. Stanley Fujimoto, Cole Lyman, Mark Clement.
Kcollections: A fast and efficient library for k-mers.