HiCOMB 2024
23rd IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology
In conjunction with the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'24)
San Francisco, California, USA

May 27, 2024
1:00pm - 5:35pm PST

All HiCOMB Attendees:  To attend HiCOMB, please register at the IPDPS registration page. HiCOMB program will be delivered through the IPDPS virtual platform.  Details will be sent to all registered attendees.

Please see www.hicomb.org for most recent version of the program and the abstracts of keynote and invited speakers.  All times below are in Pacific Standard Time.


  Plenary Session (1-3:00pm)
1:00-1:05 Opening Remarks
Priyanka Ghosh, Program  Chair
1:05-2:05 Keynote address by Wu Feng, Professor, Virginia Tech
Re-visiting the Third Pillar of Science for Synergistic (Bio)Computing.


Invited Talk by Giulia Guidi, Assistant Professor, Cornell University
Lessons Learned Designing Irregular Genomic Algorithms on Parallel Systems and Architectures.


3-3:30pm Coffee Break
  Regular paper presentations (3:30 – 5:30pm)
3:30-4:00 Empirical Study of Molecular Dynamics Workflow Data Movement: DYAD vs. Traditional I/O Systems
Ian Lumsden, Hariharan Devarajan, Jack Marquez, Stephanie Brink, David Boehme, Olga Pearce, Jae-Seung Yeom, Michela Taufer
4:00-4:30 ZSMILES: an approach for efficient SMILES storage for random access in Virtual Screening
Gianmarco Accordi, Davide Gadioli, Giorgio Seguini, Andrea Beccari, Gianluca Palermo
4:30-5:00 Further Optimizations and Analysis of Smith-Waterman with Vector Extensions
Reza Sajjadinasab, Hamed Rastaghi, Hafsah Shahzad, Sanjay Arora, Ulrich Drepper, Martin Herbordt
5:00-5:30 High performance binding affinity prediction with a Transformer-based surrogate model
Archit Vasan, Ozan Gokdemir, Alex Brace, Arvind Ramanathan, Thomas Brettin, Rick Stevens, Venkatram Vishwanath

Closing Remarks