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HiCOMB 2015 Call For Papers
High-performance computing became an integral part of research
and development in bioinformatics and computational
biology. The large size of biological data sets, inherent
complexity of biological problems and the ability to deal with
error-prone data, all result in large run-time and memory
requirements. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum
for discussion of latest research in developing
high-performance computing solutions to data-intensive and
compute-intensive problems arising from molecular biology and
related life sciences areas. We are especially interested in
parallel and distributed algorithms, memory-efficient
algorithms, large scale data mining techniques, including
approaches for big data and cloud computing, algorithms on
multicores and GPUs, and design of high-performance software
for biological applications.
The workshop will feature contributed papers as well as invited talks from
reputed researchers in the field.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Bioinformatic databases
- Computational genomics and metagenomics
- Computational proteomics and metaproteomics
- DNA assembly, clustering, and mapping
- Gene expression analysis with RNASeq and microarrays
- Gene identification and annotation
- Parallel algorithms for biological sequence analysis
- Parallel architectures for biological applications
- Molecular evolution and phylogenetic reconstruction algorithms
- Protein structure prediction and modeling
- Next Generation sequence data analysis
- Parallel algorithms in chemical genetics and chemical informatics
- High performance algorithms for systems biology
- Cloud-enabled solutions for computational biology
- Big Data Solutions for Systems Biology
- Energy-aware High Performance Biological Applications
Submission guidelines
Papers reporting on original research (both theoretical and experimental) in all areas of bioinformatics and computational biology are sought. Surveys of important recent results and directions are also welcome. To submit a paper, upload a PDF copy of the paper here. Submitted manuscripts may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references (see IPDPS Call for Papers for more details). All papers will be reviewed. IEEE CS Press will publish the IPDPS symposium and workshop abstracts as a printed volume. The complete symposium and workshop proceedings will also be published by IEEE CS Press on CD-ROM and will also be available in the IEEE Digital Library.
Important Dates
Workshop papers due: (extended) | January 10, 2015 |
Authors notification: | February 20, 2015 |
Camera-ready papers due: | February 28, 2015 |
Workshop Co-Chairs
Srinivas Aluru College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332, USA Phones: +1 404 385-1486 Email: |
David A. Bader College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332, USA Phones: +1 404 385-0004 Email: |
Program Chair
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269
Phone: +1 (860) 486-2428
Program Committee
- Mario Cannataro, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy
- Umit Catalyurek, Ohio State University, USA
- Mark Clement, Brigham Young University, USA
- Trilce Estrada, University of New Mexico, USA
- Mathieu Giraud, University of Lille, France
- Chun-Hsi Huang, University of Connecticut, USA
- Ananth Kalyanaraman, Washington State University, USA
- Marta Kasprzak, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- Danny Krizanc, Wesleyan University, USA
- Ion Mandoiu, University of Connecticut, USA
- Folker Meyer, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
- Bertil Schmidt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
- Quinn Snell, Brigham Young University, USA
- Alexandros Stamatakis, HITS gGmbH, Germany
- Shannon Steinfadt, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
- Michela Taufer, University of Delaware, USA
- James Taylor, Emory University, USA
- Denis Trystram, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
- Yoshiki Yamaguchi, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Jaroslaw Zola, Rutgers University, USA